The Pasho Perspective

When the Saturday People are Dead, the Sunday People are Next

October 17, 2023 Patricio Donoso Jr. Season 5 Episode 66

I'm so sorry for the long haitus, but the family passed around the bug. Now that we're good, and now that I've had some time to marinade on the subject, here it is: My take on the Israeli/Gaza War. Enjoy.

Here are some items mentioned in the episode in case you're curious:

The title's inspiration -

My God died for me -

Palestinian American says the US should also be exterminated -

Joe Biden has incentivized kidnapping Americans -

Slain children -

Crowd chants "Gas the Jews" -

David Horowitz reveals an antisemite American -

Palestinian supporters celebrating the deaths of children -

Show notes:

Next week, I'll be discussing something you wont want to miss, so make sure you smash the subscribe button to get all the latest notifications. God bless.

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